My first short story was workshopped last Thursday, 10/20. Going into it, I was super nervous. However, as the workshop went on, I became more relaxed. I really enjoyed hearing what people liked about the story and hearing them discuss the deeper meaning behind the ocean. There are a few things that I plan to work on given the feedback I received. First, I want to talk more about Devyn’s life and why he is the way he is. People felt that his character needed more depth, and I definitely agree now that it was brought to my attention. Along the same lines of character development, I also want to possibly incorporate a flashback into Winter’s mothers life, give her a name and a story rather than just use her as a device for my story. As for Winter, I want to delve more into her layers and what led to her downfall at this moment. Most importantly, I would like to clarify that Winters intent was NOT to jump. Thus, I need to work on giving more context as to why Devyn and Winter are at the ocean in the first place. Overall, this workshop helped me take a step back from my story and realize what could make it better and I’m really happy with how it went.